Should I stay or leave? (trolls or no trolls?)

who should go?

  • Ed goes

  • the trolls go - make no trolling a site policy!!

Results are only viewable after voting.
buttercup, pezagent or azosx or whoever you really are - (i suspect azosx because once more you read things the way you choose to). that isn't what this thread is about at all. i know what to do. i already made up my mind that if the site members want trolls, then i would let go of my moderation duties. plain and simple decision.
this thread is about finding out if others feel the same way i do about them. if so, then there is no reason for me to resign as we should just give them the boot. i think the populus has spoken very loudly. if this were an american election, the winner would have been announced long ago and the loser would have made a noble concession speech. i see such nobility is beyond you.

please, pm all the friends you have made here while you still have the chance and take them with you wherever you are headed next. :)

btw - nice job of editing your post from the original version i saw :p
Originally posted by buttercup
This is quite a pathetic thread and to think, it's coming from a Moderator no less.

The gist of it is this.

Ed: Please people, tell me what to do! I'm a grown adult and can't make decisions for myself. I need the praise and reassurance of 15 year olds to be able to go on in this sick sad world. Wo is me.

I'm sorry but how lame is this? If Ed can't figure out what to do without us holding his hand, maybe he should get the hell out of Dodge!

What the hell is going on around here? It's like f*cking euphoria. You people are being manipulated by those in charge yet you line up in droves like you can't get enough of it.

Sounds about right. Move on Ed.
i am unsticking this thread because the issue is over and the members of this site have spoken very loudly and clearly. it is not a unanimous decision but this much of a margin certainly would have made our past american presidential election a more trustable one. i can't remeber ever seeing a poll on this site generating as many votes in less than 24 hours. Thank you all for your participation.

i also want to thank everyone who voiced their opinions - both for and against. other smaller discussions are scattered around the site if you are interested in them. no one is going to be banned for expressing an opinion, either for or against the changes that are taking place. but be very sure that from now on, people will lose their priviledges of participating in this private forum site as a poster if they flame others or attempt to purposely incite others to flame. insults aimed at admin, the other mods, other members or myself will not be tolerated.

people will exit if they come here for no other reason than to bash macs and mac owners. members will vanish if they cannot find a way to express themselves that doesn't include the 7 words you can't say on television.

nothing has really changed for most people. you were never part of the problem. so don't sweat it and go back to arguing about when or if the G5 will ever see the light of day. ;)

Hopefully can be a fun place to hang out again very soon.

and i will be taking that suggested time off to recoup before long. thanks for caring enough about me to suggest that. :)
I've been in holidays for three weeks, and I'm travelling to England in a few days (Reading Festival / Noting Hill Gate Carnival...). I just checked my mail in a hurry and threw a look on this board.

I've missed a lot of the discussions.
Here's what I've missed and read through today:

- skepticism thread
- optimism thread
- this thread

I hope you'll all understand if I write here what I think of them: that's all fucking stupid.

I discovered this board some time ago. It has completely degenerated since. I hope will be different when I'll come back.

PS: and you should all go to the Reading Festival ! And to the Noting Hill Carnival !

**EDIT**: made the whole post shorter.
Also, if I remember The Hobbit well, trolls turn to stone at dawn... :)

*EDIT*: just checked. Yes, I remebered well :D:D:D.