Should I Upgrade?


I am questioning whether to upgrade or not. I am running 10.1.5 and it runs very smoothly - never a problem that isn't related to my less then wonderful ISP. Is there any advantage to installing Jaguar now? I have been hearing of many little bugs, especially with send mail in the Mail.App, that I think it may be better to remail where I am, at least for a while. Does anyone have any comments or suggestions to help me decide whichever way to go? I can do a clean install since my important files are on disk. I would only have to figure out how to move my saved mail to Jaguar since those are the only files I really need to move. Thanks
I'm not sure what's up with the mail. If you send through your ISP then your supposed to be ok. But i still wonder about that. I find it interesting that you can't send from your mac account through the setting apple created.

Printer is another thing to consider when moving up. My printer at work is not supported yet. Stupid HP. ;) At home i don't know if my printer or work and dont' care.

To back up your mail, if it's IMAP then you don't have to back anything up. It's all stored on a server somewhere. If it's not then you just need to find your mail folder and copy that to someplace safe. I did an upgrade from 10.1.5 to 10.2 and everything (settings, mail, apps) are all still the same as before. No clean install nedded.

Thanks for the info. I do have 2 mail accounts. I just signed up for a demo from It's been great so far. It's just as fast as my mail. I could use that until the send mail is fixed. I have heard different things about checking/unchecking smtp authorization which is supposed to help but who knows until Apple says something officially. The whole thing is that I don't want to screw up my computer. It's humming along nicely without any problems and I am wondering if installing Jaguar at this point is just looking for trouble.
If you don't feel the need. Wait a month when some of these edges are smoothed out and iTunes and iCal become available. If you're into those things.

I think it's sweeeeeeeeeeet on X.2 - but it'll be sweeter a month from now for sure. If you wait longer than that, you're just missing out on life's finer pleasures for no good reason. :)