Should I?

Should I "blog"?

  • Yea, I'd read it everyday!

  • No, nobody cares!

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I was thinking of adding a small thing to my current website. I wouldn't promote it too much, but I really want to do it. What I was thinking was a blog type page. Where I would post ranting like all the other blog owners out there. I wouldn't use MoveableType, or any Blog software, it'd all be done by hand. But I don't mind that.

The point is: would anybody be interested in it? Or would I be wasting my time even trying? Like I said though, there probably won't be a link to it from my homepage. The only way people would be able to find it would be from Google, or from message boards I post in.

What do you think I should do?
I think that a blog would be a really good diary type self reflection... You could get your writing skills up and express some of your ideas, write down what you were doing, and then a few years later it might be a valuable resource for yourself. I've always wanted to but never have.
And if you do start one I would use some type of system, just because then you have everything backed up and if you decide to crank your blog up a notch it's a lot easier then hand coding everything and moving it around by hand -- it's all just a template you edit. MT is really easy too.
Personally, I hate blogs and think they're a terrible idea. If you want to keep a diary, keep a diary, but don't force it on other people.
I have a degree in journalism and am a published author and experienced editor and it's dang difficult to find people who have studied and practiced writing to write well, much less anyone off the street corner who suddenly thinks he's Hemingway or Twain because he has a forum for his blogs.
If you do it, best of of luck. But blogs are just the Internet flavor of the day.
Back when Blogger first came along, I got my account and setup a Blog. Tried posting to it for a few weeks, but could never get into it.
If you do a blog and force yourself to try to post on something, I don't feel it works well. You need to have something in particular to keep track of, or some main purpose for that writing. That way it's easier to keep it up, and keep it interesting.
For instance, I started a blog about my son. I keep it private (mostly) to main internet traffic, but family around the country checks it to see what my son is up to, and the funny things he's doing. I also use the same page to post pics/clips/audio of him. (you can see it at if you care to see what I'm talking about)

it's great because it date stamps all my entries, so I can look back at the archives and see dates and times that he did things like say his first word, etc.
For that I use blogger - I have for a while, and it works for what I need on his (my son's) page.

Since then, I've started playing with movable type, and it's pretty sweet. More than I need for my son's site, but I'm using it temporarily to create a website for a side business I'm working on. (I don't have time to do up a whole site while I get the rest of the work going, so MT is my temp solution till I get time back on my side.)

Like Mr K, I definitely suggest using a blog tool. It doesn't make you any less of a web coder or anything like that. It's just a different tool to keep you more productive. And there's plenty to tweak in the blog tool's code to keep you busy - especially with MT. Once you get into the guts, it can get really fun!
if you're wanting to use a blog as a way of journaling or diary keeping then it doesn't really matter if anybody else is interested. and for the most part, that's the only real value to blogs as far as i can see. i certainly wouldn't waste my time reading someone's blog unless they were a therapy client of mine.
if you're doing it to get attention (as it sounds by the very fact that your decision seems partially based upon this poll) then it would be a huge waste and ultimately one more disappointment for you. the only blogs that people seek out to read are those of people who are already celebraties. personally, i wouldn't even be interested in those.

but, as has been mentioned earlier, keeping a journal for yourself can be very rewarding and a useful tool for self examination and awareness. in which case, what you get out of it will be directly proportional to what you put into it.
Alright then, I've decided I won't do it. :) Thanks for all the input guys!

I just thought it'd be cool because most of the blogs I've read lately have been really addicting and I love them. But I guess that's just me.
talking about blogging,

Is there any blog-software that can export your blog as an HTML file(s)? Because i don't have a host that supports CGI, MySQL, .. i can only use HTML.
I was a bit cynical about the whole blogging thing but some of my friends use LiveJournal and I've got quite into it. People usually post stuff about what they've been up to and how they're feeling but it's one of the first little virtual community type things I've been involved with that actually seems to work. It's quite good to randomly write about stuff in a medium that's accessible. I doubt it gets many random hits but it's interesting how the connections build up i.e. two of my friends knew each other from LiveJournal before they ended up having a mutual friend and knowing each other in the real world. Anyway, I should probably go to sleep, exam tomorrow. Sorry I've gone into blog mode. That's the main thing that put me off, the buzzword aspect. Ah well.
It looks like your site is geared toward the advertising of your skills, and adding a blog to that kind of website would be unprofessional.

I love the site the way it is now. It looks great and functions great. Howabout adding a personal sub-site of sorts -- that would be a great place for a blog -- something that isn't linked from your very professional site.