"show info" on desktop disk's icons.


OS X Jaguar
running 10.1.3, and I have two hard drives.... one for X, one for 9...

ive entered "comments" in both.... comments on the 9 drive stay there, on the 10 drive, they keep disappearing!

is this a bug?

anyone else notice this?

Perhaps, but it doesn't do it for me.

What exactly do you do to make it disappear? Reboot?
Originally posted by WoLF
Perhaps, but it doesn't do it for me.

What exactly do you do to make it disappear? Reboot?

No, I enter text in there, close the window.... then, do other things, surf the net...

go back and check again within minutes, and its gone!


figures, its ONLY on my machine. :(
After entering your Comment, press "Return"

It will aknowledge the change by sellecting the text. Now close and reopen. See if it stays.

I notice you only need to do this for OS X drive. Not OS 9 or so.. Weird..
Originally posted by Jasoco
After entering your Comment, press "Return"

It will aknowledge the change by sellecting the text. Now close and reopen. See if it stays.

I notice you only need to do this for OS X drive. Not OS 9 or so.. Weird..

it is weird... Ill try what you say and see if it sticks... thanks.