Show us your tattoo!


Rusher of Din
Since Miss Giaguara showed us hers, show us yours. :) Here is mine. I did it 12 years ago, and think the color has held amazingly well. It's deeper in person, as well. It was done by Marcus Pacheco in his early days in Brooklyn, NY.

Uh, i forgot where (in what thread) was mine but

those shots that are not in the page somewhere... hehe.. just don't try to see it from the page with winblows... :p ...
No tatts, but I do have a collection of scars - and they tell a better story! Well - the ones I can talk about anyway! heh :D
Okay, so here is my arm band. It is placed just higher than where most of my short sleeve shirts fall so clients don’t see it while I'm working. I’ve had it for about 5 years, it is based on the insignia for the Spacing Guild Mental and Physical training school which emphasized pure mathematics (from the Dune series).


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Giaguara, I'm not claiming to have more of anything than anyone. :p :D

Aight, no tats - but here are my scars:
From oldest to newest as far as I can remember...
[ Head ] - Bad childhood experience which I refuse to talk about. Something very bad happened to a 6 year old (me). :(
[ Left Arm ] - What's left of a serious burn - almost invisible now. Don't remember how it happened.
[ Right Arm ] - Got stabbed while protecting a girl from a lunatic.
[ Left Hand ]- Got stabbed AGAIN taking knife away from the SAME lunatic protecting the SAME girl, it's right of the line, almost looks natural.
Hey, at least I learned how to disarm a knife-wielding lunatic with minimal damage to myself! LOL :D

And finally,
Picture taken today for this post of my [ Ankle Surgery ] and my new [ Hardware ]. :D

I remember having other scars, but I can't seem to find them now (need a body-length mirror to find them, dont have one), and I don't remember how any of the others happened.
Originally posted by themacko
I've got one on my ankle.
I've been kinda thinking, if the scar from my surgery disapears - to get one of skin tearing away at the ankle with metal showing through - ala Terminator. :D

And here's my roommate's ... you may recognize it. :p

And here I figured if you had a Tat, you'd have that one!
heh, your ankle is impressive :p ... i hope my right ankle won't have to have anything like that .. uh .. i'm not putting my scars online but ... hmm.. i have similar or worse in my head, i got in when i was 7 (and then became a medical case study, how nice) .. nice scars in my right arm (so i wear long sleeves often in summer too), 3 permanent scars in my left hand, then my right leg has a nice burned sign from a bmw exhaust pipe ... then the ankle has some scars from when it was broken .. and a lot more less invisible variably distributed ...
A lot of people get tattoos on top of scars. Since it's textured, you can really be creative with it.
uh ... no tattoos over my scars plz .. most of them are in too visible places.. and the rest are in too stupid places to put tattoos in them :(
Only significant scar I have is on my left index finger. My PC is all SCSI. In '97 drives were even more expensive, so I got this 3.9 gig 5.25" full height Seagate drive for it. It's a full tower that I built myself. So the only way to get this huge drive in was through the front, so I had to pop the drive bay panels out from the inside, because of the tabs. I also had to take out the metal cage panels in the bays. So I am trying to get one of the plastic tabs pressed in, and it finally pops out. I go around to get it and see little red spots on it. Huh? Look at my finger and it is covered in blood. I totally sliced it open along a sharp metal edge, a flap sort of hanging. Nothing that would fall off, but nasty nonetheless. So my friend gets there, who was picking me up to see a movie, Contact. I show him and say I think we need to stop by the emergency room. We go and in the ~1.5" length of this gash, I get 9 stitches. It was bad. So they give me pain killers and send me off on my way. We even made the movie! And after the two of us taking some of the pain killers, the movie was pretty good. :)
Quite the set of tattoos you got there acidtuch. I love the Apple on the bum there Giaguara ;)
I don't have any tattoos yet, cause I'm not yet 18 and my mom would kill me, just figure I'll come back from college with two of em and she'll live with it. I want to get an Apple and a Tux on oposite limbs (don't know where yet, either ankles or upper arms).
Haha Johnny! Some friends asked why i didnt have a penguin tattoo... How about the Mac on Linux logo for you? That looks kewl ...
hmm tanlines... erm apple logo ;)

all i have is a nice scar on my knee... im planning on getting roses tatooed on my back sometime