Show us your tattoo!

nice Trim! so are the rest of the gallery your work or someone else's? pretty impressive art. :)
no web page yet . can you send me an email or pm with setup instructions for adding picture/s to my info sidebar?
Yeah he is. This was done in Jan. '91, within a month or so before he moved out to San Francisco and opened Primal Urge. I saw his work progress in magazines to simply amazing stuff. I guess you can see early touches of his signature shading in my scarab. What's incredible is that the tattoo took three hours and he charged me $80. But that was a long time ago. :) Super nice guy and I'm glad to see he's done well.
Originally posted by Giaguara
Un, Shift... what's written in it? :p

sorry it took me a week to answer.

it's japanese kanji....says "endless nightmare".

just ask any of my ex's, it's 100% true. :lol:
Shift, probably i'd have something like アップル if i would have anytihng written ... ;)
uh..... :tries to read that:

a- something -ru?

i took a year of japanese in high school. so i can read most hiragana & katakana, and some kanji, but i don't know what any of it means. :o
i was hinting at this: tell me what it means!

and the romanizied japanese too, so i can re-learn some katakana too. :p

i knew i was wrong (it was obvious, i only got maybe two of three characters) so throw me a bone, huh? :)
hints are no help. :p
even my japanese - engish dictionary is no good.

wish i had one of those old katakana - english tables handy...

time for bed. do me a favor and post an answer in the next 12 hours? you made my brain hurt.


basically a japanese phonetics way of saying apple ;)