Show your project.


I know a lot of you work on projects but I hardly ever see any of them. I was wondering if maybe you guys would like to link to your software. I would love to see the code too but if not hey no loss.

I think my problem is that I haven't seen any real functional code with good documentation. So post away :P
Well 1) most people don't wanna show code in developement (unless it's a truly open source project) until it's done (or at least a little more polished), and 2) I don't know many programmers who document their code...unless they work in a corporate setting - but you wouldn't get to look at that code anyway.

A better thing to ask for is examples of the type of code they use ;)
Well I didn't say that I HAD to see their code. I just said if you have code you want to share it would be cool. Just show me you freakin' programs :P
speaking of muds has anyone tried whats called a mush? I just recently started "playing" one of these; they're not at all like your normal mud experience- a language similar to perl can be used by all players to customize a mush to extremes. A player can write programs that others may use or decompile inside of the game. Also a link to a mud i've configured and run for the past 6 months telnet://
if you want to work on the coding here you're more than welcome;
note telex
Just released it on Sunday. Expect a drastically better version soon...:D

Oh yeah, I also programmed Raptor-ASF which can be found here. Raptor won best sound and music in the uDevGames programming contest:
Raptor is open source, but you need TNT basic to compile the source. The source can be found at

And I have a nother game (a memory one) called Humilié which can be found here: