Shutdown time

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That seems a little excessive!
Are you having other problems that causes you to shut down?

Here's what often helps when I run into long restarts, or long shutdowns:
Download and install the latest combo updater for your system.
10.6.8, unless you have upgraded to Lion, then it would be the 10.7.2 combined updater.

Restart another couple of times after the update is installed.
Thanks for your response Delta Mac.

I am currently running 10.6.8. Someone told me to try quitting all apps before shutdown. I tried that, but it still won't work. It takes extremely long.
When I do need to shut it down, I find myself requiring to do a hard shutdown (holding down the power key). However, booting is perfectly normal. 20 seconds or so.
If you open your Activity Monitor (in Applications/Utilities folder)
you can watch that monitor window when you choose to shutdown. That may give you a clue about some app or other process that simply continues, or stops responding.
Be sure to change the drop-down from My Processes to All Processes.

You may also find it helpful to try a Force Quit (hold Option-Command-esc). The Force Quit response window will show all open apps, and you may see an app that you think you have quit, but really stays open but stops responding, etc.
I just quit all applications and checked the activity monitor. The cpu was 95% idle. Yet when I tried to shut down, it didn't work.
Do any processes in the list seem to continue at all?

If you boot up in Safe Boot mode (hold the shift key, until you see the rotating gear under the grey Apple, then log in when you see the login window), can you then shut down within a more normal time frame?
After restarting normally - will your Mac shut down normally if you disconnect from your network, either by unplugging your ethernet cable, or turning the WiFi card off (from your Wifi menu)
ok I just saw this, but last night when I tried turning it off, it shutdown within 10 seconds. I restarted it and tried installing Lion which requires you to restart your laptop. When I did this, it did not shutdown so I force shut it. Then when I restarted, I got a grey screen.
If you did install Lion, boot to the repair partition (by holding Command-R), and run Disk Utility to repair your hard drive.
If that completes without finding any problems - restart your Mac.
My machine is shutting down fine now. 10 seconds or so. However, installing Lion is a problem now.

1. I did not buy Lion.
2. It installs and says restarting now, but it doesn't shut down.
3. If I hard shutdown and boot again, I get the grey screen.
1. I did not buy Lion.

Why are you telling us this?
Do you mean that you did not purchase the Lion thumb drive installer?
Or, that you did not purchase the Lion download, but 'found' a wonderful, trusted place to download a (possibly corrupted) torrent... :)

A good Lion download from the App Store is only $30 - why not go for the real thing, eh?
The second :P Its a torrent download. I did it because a ton of my classmates did it as well and it works fine with them.. :/
If you are a true Mac lover, you would have saved up your money to purchase the upgrade and not trust ‘what every one else is doing’.
We do not discuss any problem with a download from a place where the software is illegal.

That said, find your 10.6 install disk, plug your book into an outlet, start it up using the 10.6 install disk (insert 10.6 disk, restart holding down the C key), then install 10.6.
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