sick of web sites not recognizing Safari



Have you noticed websites that incorrectly identify your browser and therefore don't let you in? Or they just let you in and the script refuses to display information to you? The latest on my list is:

Please take the time to contact them and ask for support to the mac community:
some of the statistics identify browsers baddly as well ... so in some statistics "Mozilla" means mozilla, chimera, camino AND safari, any version of any of those. and one other statistics I saw has only EXPLORER and NETSCAPE as alternatives .. so I wonder whther konqueror, icab, links are netscape or explorer.. :D
try with camino, might work better. ;)
Giaguara Netscape is NOT an altertnative to Mozilla... they re basically the same thing...

as for safari... just do not use BETAS... wait till thei re finished...if it doesn't work.... can't blame anyone is a BETA that is what BET means right?? NOT FINISHED buggy unstable!!!!!!!
Dear god man, have you used safari? I have been using it since it came out. So far there are no "Buggy" issues. It is fast and reliable. Features were lacking, but they seem to be adding them monthly. They added tabbed browsing and autoforms fill, not much more needed.

Now I just hope they fix the way safari handles some css issues. however, every browser seems to have a problem with that.

I wasn't blaming the browser, but the site. There are many out there that just look for two browsers and deny the rest (and I may point out this is not due to the browsers not being able to handle the site).

It is lazy programming, or just a refusal to update code.
Safari works far better since th version of 71. So I have started to use it actually since the version 71.

and BBenve, i did not say they are alternatives -i just how the statistics of some web pages see the browsers. FIRST one of them saw ONLY Explorer-Netscape (this included netscape and ALL Geckos=Mozilla, Camino, Chimera, Safari, Phoenix etc)-Konquror-iCab. THOSE. So any browser was in thoes, except Links and crawlers (unseen). Now it's similar except it identifis EITHER Netscape or Mozilla (which is all Geckos) and even Opera.

AN OTHER STILL SEES EVERY BROWSER IN 2 SIMPLE CATEGORIES: IT "IS" EITHER EXLORER *OR* NETSCAPE. If the browser does not identify itself as Explorer, it "is" Netscape.