sidebar in panther finder


can i get rid of this thing? can i view the finder as i did in jaguar?

kinda skeptical about this new look.

geze! Whatever happend to "think different"

Anyways if you double click on the resize bar or drag it all the way to the side you can have your same boring old finder window.

Thus far it seems to be folder based, so if you open a new window with a folder that does not have the sidebar turned off you will get it again.

I STILL don't see why everyone hates the sidebar, it is the fastest way to access all your drives, things you put in the toolbar seem out of place and might as well be in the dock where you can at least get sub-menus.
...Or you could just click the "Reduce" button (I forget what it's called at the moment - it's the "clear" button that occasionally appears in the upper-right hand corner of windows, and usually shows/hides the toolbar. This takes you back to a much more Jaguar-like view, though without the top toolbar.

I wasn't thrilled about it to start with (mostly, I think, it's the brushed metalification of the Macs/OS X that's bothering me), but after three weeks, I'm hooked. Finder's still not perfect, but I DO like the new windows better.

I say give it a shot.
It reminds me of the Windows OS. I havn't used/seen it yet. But from screenshots it really looks like WindowsXP.

Is it just me?
Originally posted by Trip
It reminds me of the Windows OS.

Please don't give Windows or Microsoft credit for concepts and ideas that are Apple's.

Just like when people try to say how Windows-like the Dock was when it was just an extension of the original (pre-Windows) OPENSTEP/NEXTSTEP Dock, the Sidebar on Panther's Finder windows is an extension of the original (pre-Windows) OPENSTEP's/NEXTSTEP's Shelf on Workspace Manager windows. And just like Mac OS X's Dock is a vast improvement of the original Dock idea, it looks like the Sidebar is a much improved version of the original Shelf (if in no other way then the amount of space it doesn't take up compared to the original).

I'm sure Windows has some innovative concepts and ideas... I just haven't seen any. :D
well.. hmm.. nope not that.. eh.. yep that was done before... nope apple did that first... Aha!! the taskbar?
RacerX: The Places Sidebar does not have the functions of the OpenStep Shelf iirc.
The Locations side bar is hardly like the "equivalent" in Windows XP... in XP, you get a number of tasks on the side that you can perform that you may or may not choose to perform. As is typical, they are not always completely helpful.

Huck, why do you want to get rid of the side bar? It's quite useful for jumping around between common locations that you might access on your computer. At Mac Daddy's, they have a G5 with 10.3 and 2 accessible hard drives (possibly partitions... I don't know); the side bar is quite useful for switching between drives.

As for "getting rid of it," click the (formerly) toolbar button at the top right of Finder windows to go back to plain-vanilla, OS 9-style Aqua windows.
Originally posted by fryke
RacerX: The Places Sidebar does not have the functions of the OpenStep Shelf iirc.

Maybe you can tell me how these function differently. The last time you listed functions for the shelf which I still don't see the shelf having.

Primary function of the shelf is to put commonly used places in it to navigate more quickly. It also displays volumes (CDs, floppies, etc) as they are mounted. It makes navigating with a single window easy by letting the user drag-n-drop items from the current directory to any of the stored directories in the shelf.

Primary function of the sidebar is to put commonly used places in it to navigate more quickly. It also displays volumes (CDs, DVDs, etc) as they are mounted. It makes navigating with a single window easy by letting the user drag-n-drop items from the current directory to any of the stored directories in the sidebar.

How can you not see that both of these are used for the same purpose?


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Originally posted by wiz
well.. hmm.. nope not that.. eh.. yep that was done before... nope apple did that first... Aha!! the taskbar?

Curious post. :confused: what is it supposed to mean?
You're right, sorry... I've somehow mixed it with a tool that was also called 'The Shelf' (or similar) but for linux. It had similar functionality but also let you use it as a multiple drag&drop inbetween-kinda place... I.e.: You select five items, drop them to the shelf, go someplace else, drag more items to the shelf, go to the destination, drag the files from the shelf to the destination and you're done...

However: The OpenStep shelf was _kinda_ replaced in OS X by the toolbar already. The sidebar, I guess, reminds some users of Windows' windows (sorry :P) left pane that shows some information and places... Which of course is not what the Panther sidebar is. The Panther sidebar, I'd say, is directly taken from iTunes/iPhoto. Playlists/Albums of files instead of songs/pictures. (Gosh, I'd love to take on the iTunes look by now, with the Mailboxes on the left... Sure, I can put them on the left now, too, but I'd like to have it all _inside_ the window, looks like it _should_ take on this look....)
you *could* make it like the XP sidebar by sticking some applescripts into it, they wouldn't be context-sensitive like the XP one, but they would be infinitely more customizable. Course in XP its not really "context-sensitive", it just spouts off some random nonsense about what you could possibly be trying to do, which it is usually wrong about and generally ends up taking up space.
I think a context-sensitive sidebar would be a cool idea for os x, different items in it depending on which folder you are in. Could an applescript possibly be written to do this?
Wow, the NeXT shelf sure was a waste of space! The side bar is sleek and elegant, and takes up no more space than you want it to... and I bet you can resize it small to make it disappear, too!