Sidekick Anyone


Just got one from T-Mobile. LOOOOOVE it.

Anyone else get one yet?

P.S. I'm posting this message using the Sidekick.
I'm sure lusting after one now. Need to see it in person to know for sure if I'll pay the $300.00 to change my phone over. Does it feel well built? I need something that may have to take a beating.
If there becomes a way to sync with iCal/ Address then I'll probably be sold.
:D Yup. I have mine and loving it! I can't put the darn thing down.

Synching with Mac is slowly coming together... for example, there is a script that will let you export OS X Adressbook to Sidekick via the web desktop interface.
I ordered mine today via the T-Mobile upgrade line. Luckily my year contract was just up and I was able to get it for $200. Only downside is that I have to wait 5 business days for it to be mailed to me. I can't wait though. I played with one today at CompUSA. Anyone know of any message boards or info sites regarding support? Who is working on the mac compatibility? Do they have a page? Can't wait to get mine, hopefully next week.
I finally got mine last Thursday. I haven't been able to put the thing down. At there seems to be alot of mac guys with one. Check it out. A bunch of old apple execs are at the company, Danger. And Woz is on their board!!