
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I think that information has been classified like other things in my profile he he :) New comers can PM me for questions ;)

So tell me what do you guys do for a past time ? what do you do for kicks ?


Free time? What's that? :)
free time = time you ae not being paid for. all i have is free time right now. this is obviously part of what i do with it. i probably shold use more of it sleeping though:o
btw, the tide pools were fantastic today. Went out farther than i ever have before. discovered huge beds of bright purple sea urchins and saw so many starfish of many different colors. counted over 30 seals altogether. we actually had a sunset. kind of day makes you feel f**king great to be alive!!!! (purple sea urchins would look good sitting next to my grape imac, but you knew that cause you could see i have a grape imac in my signature)

"it's f**king great to be alive.."
-Frank Zappa
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
free time = time you ae not being paid for. all i have is free time right now. this is obviously part of what i do with it. i probably shold use more of it sleeping though:o
btw, the tide pools were fantastic today. Went out farther than i ever have before. discovered huge beds of bright purple sea urchins and saw so many starfish of many different colors. counted over 30 seals altogether. we actually had a sunset. kind of day makes you feel f**king great to be alive!!!! (purple sea urchins would look good sitting next to my grape imac, but you knew that cause you could see i have a grape imac in my signature)

"it's f**king great to be alive.."
-Frank Zappa

Well of course I know what free time really is. I was being sarcastic. Still, I haven't had much free time the last 2 months because of school work. :mad:

I'm so happy that school is now over(with the exception of one more exam), so I can take a break.
ok ok ;let met define free time (for me)

1) When I am not at work
2) When I am not in class
3) When I am not doing homework
4) When I am not goind chores
5) When I am free to do what I want, where I want, the way I want and in a manner that I want :p

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
ok ok ;let met define free time (for me)

1) When I am not at work
2) When I am not in class
3) When I am not doing homework
4) When I am not goind chores
5) When I am free to do what I want, where I want, the way I want and in a manner that I want :p


Sounds about right for me. BTW, I'm studying for my OpenGL exam as I write this :). So I guess I make my own free time.
I post on here during work , and sometimes when I take breaks from studying....ok now back to studying for my german final tomorrow :p