Silent startup


Just wondering if there is a way to boot silently (when the volume is left on before the computer was switched off).

Why? Because I don't want to wake my parents when coming home late...

Well of course I could plug in headphones before pushing the switch, but I was wondering that there is a key which can do this?
I am also wondering about this. Please, if anyone knows an answer...
I will do some research into this myself, and I will post anything I come up with
try turning volume down in sound pref pane. On some Macs, this will also turn volume down for startup sound, but YMMV. I did this on my system a year or so back, took me awhile to figure out why the boot sound was so faint.
Just buy a 3.5mm jack plug and put it into the headphones port before starting up :)

While there is no way to do what you are wanting to do, (since the startup tone is permanently written in the firmware - ie :cannot be changed AT ALL without flashing your boot ROM), you seem to be missing the obvious. Mac OSX does not need to be shut down at all, ever, under normal use. In fact it is DESIGNED to run, and runs best if run continuously, as are all Unix variants. All you need to do is to log out (if you run multiple accounts) and/or press the power button to put your machine to deep sleep (you might have to check an option in the prefs somewhere to make the power button sleep the machine rather than shut it down). This powers down all the moving parts, making your machine totally silent, virtually off, but ready to wake immediately whenever you want it. It also makes no noise when it wakes to serve you.

Happy Mac'ing :)
I completely agree with you, concerning not having to shut down in Mac OS X. On my G4 (at work) I am often running folding at home, so my machine is still using the unused processor time. And I never switch it off...

My iBook is also nearly always on (sleep modus when not in use), but the iMac at home (parents), I don't know. It isn't as stable (also because of the Alcatel Speedtouch USB adsl-modem I am affraid) as my own machine(s), so turning it off from time to time doesn't harm and my parents also like to have it switched off at night.

And OK a stereo jack isn't a very bad idea either...
what do you mean by that???

Well, at least if you (accidentally) pull out the USB cable the hole thing freezes (e.g. when I want to connect the modem with my iBook). And this freezing may also happen when the iMac is woken up from sleep...