Joe, if you think the wheeeeeeeee thing is the funniest thing you've seen since Steve Ballmer was dancing on stage, obviously you haven't seen BallmerFunk.
I can't wait until we get to have those high-bouncing attention-getting dock-bouncy icons so we know when to switch to that application.
*bounce* *bounce* *BLORP* *bounce* *shlooooop* *shluupp* *BLORP* *bloop* *BLORP* *bloop* *bounce* *high-bounce* (see if you can guess what dock effects those were) Wouldn't it be nice if there were soundsets to the dock?
I love the way that Apple made it so you can spend lots of time wasted on the dock. It makes a fun thing to do when you're bored though.
Which reminds me, anyone ever seen the iTunes Dock Dance plugin? Haha whoever made that plug-in had waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on his hands (available at
OK, I'll stop rambling. I'm getting too much like you guys already!