Silly question


Fundamentalist whack-job
The description line of this forum says to pull up a seat and grab a beer.

Is it ok if I want to stand and drink milk?

(Don't hit me, please.)
you can drink whatever you want, as long as you have a good time. This forum was formerly known as "All thoughts non-technical", but our beloved member Ed opened a thread called "Herve's Bar and Grill", where everybody could post how his day was, what's up in his part of the world etc. etc. No senseless or "I raise my post counter"-posts, just bar-talk.
This thread got so popular that the admin decided to rename this part of the forum. So as long as you feel good here, as long as you have fun, drink whatever you want :D
personally i find standing and typing to be a bit tiring, but if that is more comfortable for you go ahead. in Herve's (the thread) you can feel free to walk around, talk to whoever you like and drink or not drink anything you please. I prefer Sierra Mist or coffee, depending on the time of day.

but yes, we did pretty much decide that milk is disgusting except to those people who are addicted to it:D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

but yes, we did pretty much decide that milk is disgusting except to those people who are addicted to it:D

You mean me? Right? Well...I'm actually milk-soaber now. I switched to whitebread now. Ever ate so much whitebread until you start to feel like you drank to much milk after eating too much pie? That's not funny, I can tell you...