Simple Finder - where?


Have I gone blind? Where can I enable Simple Finder? I had previously setup an account to use Simple Finder, now I want to enable it on another but now I can't figure out where it went...

Any ideas where it is? Where it went? Or if it has been removed? Last I used it was two updates ago.
This is from the Help Menu;

To turn on Simple Finder, open System Preferences and click Accounts. Select the user account and click Capabilities, then select Use Simple Finder. You should also select the applications you want the user to be able to open.

To set up other things when the user is logged in, choose Run Full Finder from the Finder menu. When you're done, choose Return to Simple Finder from the Finder menu.

Simple Finder users can only open documents in the Documents folder in their home. They cannot open folders.

On my machine (10.2.4) Capabilities is greyed out.
Ahh I see what is going on now!
Administrative Users can NOT use Simple Finder... so Capability (Restrictions) is disabled! It's active for Normal Users.

I like Simple Finder and wanted to use it but still have Admin access...

I knew I wasn't crazy! heh :D

I'll figure something out,
Thanks! :)