Simple Folder Question


Hi Everyone. Sorry for this question - Im a new convert to Mac. Whats the difference between the Shared and Public folders in my home folder? From what Ive read the public folder is shared when file sharing is enabled. I want to share files with other users on this computer ONLY (file sharing not enabled). Is this what the Shared folder is for?

Do I have this right?

Thanks. I found that earlier today, but its not clear on what the two folders are used for. I guess, what Im mostly asking is if I want to share files between users only on this computer, and not have it shared , should I put them in the Public or Shared folder? From everything I read, its the Shared folder, correct? Public is used for sharing files over the network?

'... what Im mostly asking is if I want to share files between users only on this computer, and not have it shared ' (by others) ', should I put them in the Public or Shared folder?'

The Public folder ... or the Shared folder.


Placing a file into the Public folder will allow others to navigate to that Public folder and view it's files' contents; but, not change and then save the files to that Public folder. Others can save the files elsewhere, with respect the their account's permitted folders.
If one edits someone else'es Public folder locate file and attempts to save it (via the 'Save' menu item) - the drop down sheet's 'Overwrite' button is useless. Attempting to use the 'Save As...' menu item will result with an alert stating the file is read only.

Placing a file into the Shared folder will allow others to navigate to the Shared folder and view, and change the file's contents - and save such in the same Shared folder; but, the file name has to be changed - unless, if whoever created the file - also selected the file, did a 'Get Info' ('Command I'), and changed the 'Group' and 'Others' permissions from 'Read only' to 'Read & Write'.