Lt Major Burns
"Dicky" Charlteston-Burns
it's always moved this fast, especially in computing. except that a mac doesn't cost $8,000 any more. and that works out as nearer $15,000 in converted dollars.
davebz said:Let me just say that those that still have G5's still have an advantage over us Macintel users. WE CAN'T RUN CERTAIN APPS ON THE NEW MACS YET. For example: If I needed Photoshop CS2, I have to go to the dark side (Windows)if I want reasonable performance. There are other apps that are still not ported plus many games. Halo, runs just OK. Last I heard, a lot of the updates for games are still a ways off. Does this mean intel machines are unusable? HECK NO. But, if you require PowerPC apps with full performance, than you G5 users have the edge. So, I say be thankful for the time being.