Sims 2 for Mac


Mac Convert for Life
I would like to purchase the new Sims 2 game, but after doing some research, I noticed that the Mac version is a lot more expenisve than the PC version. What else is new? *sigh* Anyway, could someone please give me a link or a suggestion (store, Web site, etc.) on where I can find the best price for Sims 2 for Mac? There's always eBay, but I'd prefer to buy the game in a store in person, if possible. That way, I know it's new, sealed, and I won't have to pay for shipping and handling. Do stores like Best Buy, CompUSA, Circuit City, etc. carry Sims 2 for Mac or only the PC version?

Thanks for any suggestions and/or links.
Try They have a Mac tab on their site and usually have good prices on the games (right now Sims 2 is $42.90 there). Just make sure your system meets the minimum requirements.

Sims 2 Min Req
Mac OS X 10.3.8 or later, PowerPC G4/G5 1.2GHz, 256MB RAM, 3GB free disk space, 32MB ATI Radeon 9000 or GeForce FX5200 or better, DVDROM drive
I bought my copy in an Apple store for $49.95, but I'm sure that CompUSA carries it. BestBuy will not. The only games for Mac that they carry are those that don't have different boxes for PC and Mac. They carry World of Warcraft, because that game comes with Mac and PC in the same box. BestBuy stinks for Mac-specific items.
Thank you both so much! I hope to have a copy of Sims 2 in my hand this weekend! Gonna try the Apple store first 'cause I don't want to wait for it to be shipped to me. I really don't want to pay 50 bucks for a game, but it's probably going to be the same regardless of where I buy it. Seems like ordering online is about $5 cheaper, but then they charge about $5 for shipping and handling, so it comes out to be about the same.

Thanks again!
Mystic Gohan said:
Try ebay. They always have mac games just a bit cheaper. Well least for some stuff I looked at.
Yeah, I checked eBay, but their prices were only about $6 cheaper than the stores--and you pay about $6 for shipping and handling, so it comes out to about the same.