Since upgrade to 10.2 I can't "control+click" anything!

Mr. Fancy Pants

Mr. Fancy Pants
Anytime I control+click within an app that particular app quits! This includes:iChat, The Finder, IE 5.2, Illustrator, Photoshop, Preview, etc... This started when I upgraded to 10.2. I tried to reinstall 10.2 to see if that worked but no luck there. The only other thing I did since the update was dump my 10.1 Dev tools that I never really used. I did so via the terminal doing a sudo rm developer (I know there were some flags used because there was a directory involved....)

Any ideas or suggestions?
This is a permissions problem but I don't know what files are causing the problem. If you log in as root your control click will probably work.

I have similar problems with mail, ichat, sherlock and Toast. I can run them as root but not as a user the start and then quit immediately. It would have been nice if there was some error message to tell you this is the problem.

I have found no way to correct this and I have tried everything. The only solution may be to reinstall Jaguar.
Originally posted by hirez
This is a permissions problem but I don't know what files are causing the problem. If you log in as root your control click will probably work.

I have similar problems with mail, ichat, sherlock and Toast. I can run them as root but not as a user the start and then quit immediately. It would have been nice if there was some error message to tell you this is the problem.

I have found no way to correct this and I have tried everything. The only solution may be to reinstall Jaguar.

Man you're right! Logged in as root and I don't have this problem! I guess I would have to reinstall in a different way. Before I just updated. Maybe I should "Archive and install"? Unless someone out there knows the problems files??????
Same here. I just installed 10.2 and control-clicking anywhere crashes that application.

Has anyone come across a solution to this yet? Has Apple acknowledged the problem?


Murray =:-)
I would look in ~/Library/Contextual Menu Items. Chances are that you have something in there that is not compatible with 10.2. Plus that would explain why it only happens when you are logged in as you. I bet if you remove whatever it is and log out and back in, you will be fine.
Awesome! I love FruitMenu. I did recently find a bug with FM 2.5.1 and OS X 10.2. If you have the contextual menu enabled with it, when you go to Connect To Server in the Finder, Open With in the Finder context menu will disappear until you either log out and log back in, or disable (then enable again) context menus in FM again. They are aware of the issue.