? Single Click Navigation & Focus Follows Mouse ?


I am new to OS X (been using it for about a month) and I have two questions.

First of all, is there any way to navigate through the Finder using single clicks (like Linux and Unix) and not double clicks?

My second question is, is there any way to make the focus of windows follow the mouse cursor? I know that in Linux and Unix there are options to do this, and I really don't see why Apple would have removed this feature.

Any help will be very much appreciated.


And if you don't want to read a five-page thread to get a simple answer (whaaaat? ;)): try MondoMouse for OS X apps, and for X11 apps, I believe this feature is built-in, but I'm not entirely sure how to enable it. All I know is that Gimp comes with an AppleScript to enable it.

(And for the obligatory the-Mac-way-is-better reply: I think the reason Apple doesn't offer FFM is that with the Mac's global menu bar, it just doesn't make as much sense as with other GUIs. I think you'll probably agree after using it for a while, but hey, options are always good.)
Oh, and as for the single-click Finder, there's no built-in option (OS 8 had a "button view", but that never made it to X). What I've done is configured my second mouse button to be option-double-click, using USB Overdrive.