Site Changes


Staff member
We are executing a new mission here at Emphasis is on community. We have removed Linux & Windows forums and changed the name of the Off-Topic Forum.

More changes coming over time as we focus on building this community into more than what it is today.

And... the post counters are now only visible in the profiles! Nice! :D
Finally we'll get completely rid of the many-posts-means-high-status culture :)
Not that it has been a big problem here, but it has existed, especially among new users.
And, let's make the congrats thread tradition a bit different. If you've been here one month already, congrats. How about it? :D
Originally posted by xoot
And, let's make the congrats thread tradition a bit different. If you've been here one month already, congrats. How about it? :D

I don't quite see the value of having over 8000 congrats threads filling up cafe :rolleyes:
No. And I admit that I am guilty of judging people somewhat on their post count, But I promise not to do it anymore!