lol, yea the donations sound a bit odd, I'd take that out, or you will be doing work for nothing and hopefully recieving a donation for your work. For a design site the color are fine, although a little flat, BUT... what makes you different, how do you and your services stand out? You really need to ask yourself that.
Also, that text in the About section is a bit W I D E, I don't like reading text like that, but thats just me, it looks fine, but I'll try to keep text from the edge of the screen like that. I never post prices on a page, because you never know how much a project will run, you may set this rate, and then it becomes a lot more. That is best discussed with the client, although... if you offer low rates,m you could pull in your first couple of projects to gain that experience, and start to make that name for yourself.
Also on that contact page, a General Inquiry selection might get that one client thats not so sure but wants to ask a few questions sending you a email, all the others look as if they are certain about business when they may not.
In defense of Flash, Flash is great for the audience it is intended to be displayed to. Flash is not for every site unless your user base would like it, or you just want to bring a lot more interactivity to your users. I personally don't care for HTML sites, because I can't stand to work on them, not enough interactive elements, mainly why i do more Flash, but dependent on a clients need would I indicate if a Flash site is needed and actually thats rare, but I don't like those projects anymore, so i don't take them.
This is what i do in Flash... and it links to the ITMS