Site Clean-up Coming & News


Staff member
Hello everyone...

We had some corruption in our database and we will doing a major scubbing around here. In fact, it will be the first scrubbing that I have ever performed on these forums, so in fact, it is rather filthy around here.

Further more, the Orange theme is history and we will be using this "default" theme by vBulletin (w/o the VB logo) and using the domain until further notice. We do appreciate your patience over the next 20-30 days until the new site is launched.

We have more free services coming in the coming weeks and will require more active participation of our volunteers. To sum up the coming changes, "Awesome".


googolplex - at least you put a personal pronoun at the beginning of your sentence. i am so used to writng notes to myself that i usually leave them off. :p
he he:D

made me laugh:) :p :D

another cool thing about current set up - the pretty little colored bars are back in the poll graphs:cool: