Site review: come and criticize my new website please !


Gone !
Hello all,

Here's my new website layout: click and criticize my stuff please !

- Don't try to click links, all of them are broken for the moment (except out-site links).
- To get working links, consult my former site layout.
- This new version validates with XHTML 1.0 and CSS Level 1.
- The text below the image is not definitive.
- All built using BBEdit 7 from Also referred to the W3 recommendations.

Please tell me about it !
Does it view good ? Compatible with your browser ? Do you like it ? What would you add/remove ?
Looks very good, Toast. I don't have anything to criticize! Great job. :)

Well...the drawing is a bit strange with the rest of it, but it's nothing bad/wrong. Just strange - but that's not really a bad thing at all. Maybe help people to remember it..."Oh yeah, that site with the weird thing on it." :D
Looks very nice. I love the clean lines and flow of the site. I loaded quickly in every browser I tried (Safari, Exploder, Navigator, Camino, Netscrape, Omniweb, Opera, et al).

Very good work. Isn't validation wonderful?

You inspire me. I need to get on finishing the validation for my site.
did you lay it all out with css or are there some tables in it? ive been trying to grasp css layout and not been to successful :( it looks great, and i love no table websites. nice job, doesn't look like there are any tables.
Originally posted by mr. K
did you lay it all out with css or are there some tables in it? ive been trying to grasp css layout and not been to successful :( it looks great, and i love no table websites. nice job, doesn't look like there are any tables.

Ah ha ! That's the big point ! The site validates with XHTML and that's my first XML page ever. Guess what ? I have not used any <tables> to compose this layout.

In fact, this site,, inspired me. It was once posted on Zeldman that it had built a comple site without any table. I couldn't believe it. Now I do.

CSS are an extremely powerful technology. Not only can you build websites but you can also make them printable or usable in presentations. Wow ! But as your remark suggests, CSS are more complex than HTML. Check what Hyatt (Safari developer) thinks of them by clicking here.

Validation is quite excellent, I agree. It's fast, very fast. Now I hope Microsoft is going to make an effort to make all their browsers compliant :rolleyes:

The illustration is weird, but that's the only drawing I am capable of. I'm quite sh!tty at drawing.

New page online:
It's not exactly valid yet but will be soon.
Err, the server seems to be down right now, Toast. I tried to load the above link, and I get told that isn't available (I just love these dumb messages :p).
Argh ! It apparently was, but isn't any more. I hate those Linux servers you have to rebuild every week. Anyway, the site is back :)
I like the site design, very clear and fast. Maybe a little bit too tech and not enough fashion... I don't know. How fast can you change its look with CSS ?

I'm not a fan of the drawing... but that's just my opinion.
How fast can you change its look with CSS ?

Changing font size, colors, backgrounds, or spacing, takes one or two clicks, no more. And applies to all pages of your site.

CSS let you edit the <p>, <em> and <strong> tags, for example; so you just use them as in normal HTML and then create your own style. Extremely powerful.

Also, you can have link behaviors for all elements ! Example: my headings links turn to read, my body links to grey.

And I perfectly understand for the drawing :)
I think you should colorize it a bit (watercolor-ish would look cool...and colored out of the lines too...heh) and use it for your avatar.

I really do like that drawing. It's basic, but some things look good that way.
its minimal... and thats appealing. i like the simplicity and its in good proportion - its pleasing to the eye. toast : where is some good documentation of xhtml? (not wc3 - too technical) i kinda want a good overview of what it can do in laymans terms and some examples set out for me.
In fact, the W3 hosts a bunch of 'Get Started' pages which are not so bad.

This one on CSS by Dave Raggett:
Also try this book, I'm buying it soon.
I have to give the URL for the W3 recommendation, even if techinical, it's full of examples:
Also, check those two sites about web design. Both are my all-time reference about designing on the Web:
Otherwise a good forum for design: http:/ . I'm Toast there too ;)