Sizing objects issue, Illustrator CS


My Illustrator CS has developed a problem. I can't size objects by using the black arrow in the tool menu. Normally when I size objects up or down I just click on the black arrow and pull at the corners of the object. Now the only way I can size is using the sizing tool or by pulling down on the object menu using the transform menu. The same thing is happening with the text blocks. I've tried re-installing but the problem is still exists.:(
Have you tried creating a fresh document and tested to see if the problem persists? Perhaps you have a corrupt document.

Another thing you could try is to turn off any fonts you may have activated in your font management software -- sometimes font conflicts cause odd behaviors in design applications.
First, repair permissions. Apps/Utilities/Disk Utility/Repair Permissions. If this doesn't work...

Do a search for "illustrator" and move the .pref and .plist files you find to your desktop. Restart Illustrator. It will reset all your toolboxes, but your problem should go away.

Preference files can get corrupted, and this afflicts Illustrator the most out of all the CS apps.
this may be a dumb one but sometimes those get us.

in the view dropdown menu, make sure view bounding box is set Show. if you hide that you loose the boxes for resizing.
Same comment as pardus. I've notcied that I'm in the habit of hitting Command-H to hide programs, and in the Illustrator environment, this hides the Show feature, which will not let you see selected objects or bounding boxes. Lame. It took me an hour to figure that out the first time it happened.
Remember, too, that you can option+click away from your app (on the desktop) and your app will hide without using the Command+H key combo.