Ski Report Widget is broken


I received the OS X ski report widget for dashboard when it was included in an OS X update last winter (10.4.4 I believe). It never worked properly, but I forgot about it over the summer. Now that it's ski season again, it's bugging me that it doesn't work. No matter what resort I type into the "back" of the widget, it never displays any real info. I've tried typing in zip codes, resort names, town names, everything...but no matter what the widget always says "Heavenly" on the front and below that is says "Resort conditions unavailable." All my other internet-connected widgets work fine (weather, sports scores, etc). I'm reluctant to remove the widget because I can't find a way to download just the widget by itself from the Apple site to reinstall it. Anybody have any ideas?
"Apple + R" will refresh the Widget.

But it sounds like the server/place that updates the widget isn't working. Meaning, no updates are being sent out.
I have the same problem on my brand new copy of OSX 10.5.5 - says 'Heavenly' with no other data. Refreshing the widget doesn't work...