sleep makes harddisk dissapear



after finally installing tiger on my beloved pismo it started to behave strange.
if it has been put to sleep for awhile, at the moment i wake it up, the whole machine freezes appearantly because it can't find its' harddrive.
restarting won't help, it'll show the missing system-folder icon, and the hd will spin, but not make any other sounds (read/write).
doing a reinstall won't help either, because there's no hd to install anyting on.

only when i let it sit there for a while (turned off), and then restart, it will boot as if nothing happened...untill i put it to sleep again ofcourse...

i did a clean install followed with all system-updates.
i erased and wrote zero's to the hd (what supposedly eliminates bad blocks?)

the hd is relatively new and not used very much, since i se the pismo mainly as jukebox..and then it even play music from a server over the network..

it ran panther with no problems at all... and i asume it should run tiger fine too,
but it doesn't.

anyone has a clue what's wrong?

ofcourse i've gone through the usual troubleshoot sequence a number of time already.
didn't help (reset pram, nvram, remove/reseat ram, reseat the hd etc..)

the only guess i would have it could be the backup-battery, but if that were the problem, wouldn't the clock be reset to 1970 at every boot?

yeah, nothing to do with the backup battery... i'd say that somehow, the harddrive isn't completely up after sleeping, and that only a cold boot activates it correctly from what you're telling. whether that's a problem with Tiger changes in sleep code or the motherboard or the harddrive itself... Who knows. Have you got an external FW drive to test against? Booting from it and letting it sleep then?
well, i asume that it has something to do with the bios/firmware.
i remember having similar problems with a wificard on a vaio with debian.

if anyone knows where to fix this problem... i would very much appreciate!

ok, the problem solved itsself somehow..

the sad thing is that i don't know what caused it in the first place, and now i don't know why it's gone...

i'm not surprised at all the problem is gone, it's just a pitty i don't have a logical explenation.

i don't believe anymore that computers are logical machines. i rather think of them being entities that should be approached with intuition;)

anyway, end of thread.

..appearantly not end of thread.
the problem persists.

it's very strange. i more/less gave-up the HD, but returning from a 2 week trip i just thought to start-up the pb again, and voila, it works flawlessly for already 3 days now, WITH sleeping.

it's very weird.

before i left, i put the hd in another pb, and this wouldn't even boot from that hd, so i asumed the hd was really dead. and i don't know why i even put it back into the pismo..

anyway, learn something new everyday..
computer and logics? ... nâh..
I've been having the same problem. It seems to be random as to when my iBook will be able to "find" my HD. At first it was just after sleeping, but now it does it after shutting down as well.

The weirdest part is that sometimes disk utility can detect the drive itself, but not the partition.

Does that extra bit of information get anyone's thought process jumpstarted?
just out of curiousity;

did this by any chance start to happen after a system upgrade? (as in my case)
The first time it happened was actually when my original hard drive crapped out. I was bringing it out of sleep, the drive got really loud, then stopped spinning. I hadn't done any upgrades since a RAM upgrade 6 months ago.

I swapped the drive out for a brand new one and it was good for about 2 weeks before it started messing up again.