sleep mode/screen saver


i am new to macs and i was wondering if, well heres the situation...My powermac g3 b&w OS9 refuses to come out of sleep mode. how can i fix this?

also can i put a screen saver on? im operating on os9
One way to get macs out of sleep mode is hitting the space bar. Depending on the computer, you can hit other keys as well, and you can move the mouse or click it. Like I said, it depends on your computer. When your computer is awake, you can go into the control panels and find the menu for sleep. For me it is energy saver, but I am not positive if this is on all computers, as mine is a laptop. If all else fails, restart the computer. (How to do this also depends on the computer...last resort unplug it and then plug it back in.) Also, make sure that your monitor is on, and that the computer is on as well (have to list these things just in case :) )

There are screensavers for OS 9. If you want to create your own screensaver, you can go to i believe, the program is called iScreensaver. If that link doesn't work, do a google search and it will come up quick. There are also other screensaver options. Many show's websites (official ones, not always fan ones) have downloadable screensavers for OS 9. The only ones I am sure about are the Stargate ones, as I am a fan. A lot of the newer ones will be for OS X however, so be warned.

Hope this helps!