Slipstreming 9.0.1 (retail) + 9.2.2 (upgrade) = 9.2.2 Boot disc?


Hiya guys,

Here's the problem...
I recently acquired a PowerBook Titainium 867Mhz. I plan to install MacOS 9.2.2, only the original seller didn't supply the original disks and having a huge problem getting any sort of system software on there, that make the system function correctly.

I'm wondering, is it at all possible to extract system files from the original System installer CD's? I believe they're in a odd file format (tome)?

I have both the Retail System 9.0.1 disc with the 9.2.2 upgrade. However nether of them will boot the machine. Is there a way to Slipstrem the two? Anyone know how I can do this?? Tips? or Suggestions?

BTW, I have an rough Idea what should be in the system folder... just don't have the right software to boot the system.

FYI: I have been prowling around fleaBay for the opportunity to buy the correct discs but no fooker is selling them... what gets me is why people keep hold of system discs when they ONLY work on the specific system?
I would suggest just upgrading to Mac OS X, then you won't have to worry about what works and what doesn't work. Plus you'll be closer to the latest software, OS 9 is a bit out of date. For this TiBook, I would suggest getting Mac OS 10.4.
Thanks for your advice.

I have many system here and they're all running various forms of OSX including a '08 3.2ghz Octo MacPro, '08 1.6Ghz Duo Alu MacBook Pro 17" and the 15" SR MacBook... and non of them will run some of the applications I need access too, they don't even work under Classic Mode.

So.. Got any suggestions about Slipstreaming?