Slooooow DSL.. we're talkin 1kb down speed!

ken loire

I've got a problem that I really dont know what to make of.

I'm running a G5 1.8 dual with mac os10.4.4. My dsl speed has slowed to almost a crawl. I checked the linespeed on and it tells me my down speed is only 1kb while my up speed is like 77kb. I'm networked through a wireless router (linksys) and the dsl modem.

I have no idea why this is the case. I've tried everything from being on the phone for hours with the tech from my ISP to reseting both the modem and the wireless router and nothing seems to change. My ISP says that the line is fine but there's definitely something very wrong here.

has anyone ever encountered this? if so what can I do about it?

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place for this question but any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks again
Sounds like the DSL modem might be fried. My parents had a similar problem right after they experience a near hit by lightning (a tree 10' from the house) last year. The TelCo sent out a new DSL Modem and all was back to normal.

Do you hear any static on your phone line? Maybe the connection inside the house (which doesn't get tested) is the issue. You might also want to check the connection at the house. The point where the line comes in through the wall from the outside. I forget the fancy name they call it, its basically a junction block, but we had 3 or 4 go bad in a 2 year period. Usually it knocked us offline, but right before that it would cause extremely slow speeds and static on the lines (sometimes faint, sometimes noticeable). When that happened, it was a slow process—the connection got worse and worse over a week or two until it finally died totally.

Whatever you do, don't let them inside the house unless you want to pay the outrageous fees. Check to make sure what's their responsibility (i.e. free repair) and what's yours (i.e. cut off an arm and a leg, then take out a mortgage). Ours said anything to the wall of the house, including the connection at the house, was the TelCo's responsibility.
hmm interesting.. only problem is that I swapped out the dsl modem and there's still no change.

Could a power surge burn out the modem like that? we get that here frequently. too many items on one circuit.

but thats what it sounds like, over the last two weeks it just got slower and slower.

I dont think there's any static on the line.

so you think I should just call my isp and have them check the line then?

it couldnt be any other cause? software, spyware, wrong settings, need to reset something?

thanks a bunch for the help!
A surge possibly could do something like that...I'd definitely look into a good, high quality, surge protector if that is a common occurrence. One that also has a phone pass-through on it.

If it's been getting slower and slower, then it sounds like a connection issue. I'd have them do a test of their lines up to the point/connection where it enters the house (usually they do one remotely, which *can* miss things from the pole to the house). That shouldn't cost anything.

Have you changed anything on the computer? You said it slowly degraded, so it doesn't sound like a software/settings issue to me. Those usually either cause things to work or not work.
ken loire said:
I'm networked through a wireless router (linksys) and the dsl modem.
Try connecting the G5 directly to the modem (don't route through any routers) and see if that helps. If it does, then we can possibly narrow down the problem to the router itself.