Slow bootup



I have a slight problem and was wondering if anyone can help me out. I have an ibook G4 in which the drive the was about to die so I ordered a new drive.

After hours of swearing at the thing I managed to successfully install the new hard drive and install tiger on it....BUT.... the laptop takes ages to boot for some reason. I can't seem to work out what the problem might be. It does eventually get to the finder and works fine but surely a 2 minutes boot process is not normal for a 1.2ghz ibook G4?!

Any ideas?
When you said that the drive was about to die, I'm guessing that you mean the hard drive.

I would take the hard drive back because a bad hard drive can cause that and you might have gotten a defective one.

That would make sense, becasue this issue started after you replaced it which tells me thats the problem.