Hi there, I'm new to this site, but have browsed around. Seems to be very helpful community. And I hope you can help me.
A few days ago, my computer started being really slow. This problem just seems to be within the Finder as loading Applications takes forever (as does booting up the machine) but once they're open, they run like normal.

I don't think I was doing anything different - i was online checking a movie site when the change happened. I may have been downloading too, as I am often downloading stuff when my computer is on.
I tried updating my software (inclusing upgrading to Mac OS 10.1.5 instead of 10.1.4) to see if that would make a difference but alas it did not. Shot in the dark I guess.
I did consider reinstalling Mac OSX but would rather avoid doing so, because I don't want to have to reinstall the extra software etc. which I have downloaded.
I hope someone can help!
Thanks very much!
A few days ago, my computer started being really slow. This problem just seems to be within the Finder as loading Applications takes forever (as does booting up the machine) but once they're open, they run like normal.

I don't think I was doing anything different - i was online checking a movie site when the change happened. I may have been downloading too, as I am often downloading stuff when my computer is on.
I tried updating my software (inclusing upgrading to Mac OS 10.1.5 instead of 10.1.4) to see if that would make a difference but alas it did not. Shot in the dark I guess.
I did consider reinstalling Mac OSX but would rather avoid doing so, because I don't want to have to reinstall the extra software etc. which I have downloaded.
I hope someone can help!
Thanks very much!