Slow Powerbooks


The Late: SuperMacMod
MacFixIt reports on some Powerbook models, G4/12" and some others slowing down.

To check what speed your machine is running at, type the following in Terminal;

sysctl hw.cpufrequency

it should show;

hw.cpufrequency: 533333332

where 53333332 would be the speed of your machine.

To reset the CPU back to top speed, required a reset of the Power Management Unit (PMU) and a reboot.
this means 533mhz clock speed or is it another measure?
I got a tibook 1Ghz and got 667000..
So, this means my tibook is at 667mhz? Pffffffff :mad:
The 533 is just an example. If you have a 1GHz and get 667, then your machine is running slow. Reset the Power Manager then check it again.
thought it was due to the reduced mode for the cpu, but even on highest I get the same score. Weird..
Is that command trustful?

EDIT: But hey, if my cpu is running slower, could that be the reason I have a good duration? Now I got a problem. If my duration will decrease after the PMU.. I think I would rather keep it this way. The speed is sorta ok for me.. :)
I get hw.cpufrequency: 999999997 .. for a 1 GHz thing .. should I reset cpu and reboot? :D

Can't hurt, but you're showing the correct speed for your model.
OrganLeroy said:
How do you reset the PMU?
What book do you have? It's different from book to book.. The tibooks PMU switch is under the keyboard lid in the top-right corner.
Also be sure to plug in your laptops before issuing the command. If I remember correctly, some powerbooks clock-down the processor when disconnected from external power source in order to prolong battery life.
Well, I resetted the PMU but nothing changed. It still reports 667...
Either the method to measure is really faulty, or my apple store fooled me really bad ;)