Slowing my mouse done.


I bought myself a Logitech Wireless Mouse/Keyboard combo and I like the wire free feel of things, but this Logitch mouse has the tracking speed of a women driver on her way to the shoe station. :confused: I have it on the lowest tracking speed in the System Preferences and this thing still moves in a messy speed.

I recall once seeing threads here about how you can kinda hack in different speeds using the Terminal? I'm kinda hopeful maybe there is a way I can adjust this mouse to be a smooth and responsive as Apple's. :) If anyone has suggestions or even knows of a way, please share. Thanks.
MouseZoom works for me.

To do it editing the plist file;

Open TextEdit from your Applications folder. Press "Command+O" to open a document.

In the "Go to" location type this:


The location is case-sensitive and don't forget the little period before GlobalPreferences.plist. It is invisible and will not be found without that initial period.

Now you should have this file in front of you:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd">
<plist version="0.9">

Look for this line near the bottom of the document:


Just alter the number to what you would like your new speed to be and save the document and you are done with the configuration.

My adjusted mouse setting is


Log out and back in.
Hmm, I seem to be already having a little problem. There isn't a place to type that location in. Here is a screen shot of what I have one my computer after pressing Command + o in TextEdit.

I also want to ask about altering the numbers. Is higher the number the faster the Mouse? If so will have have to type some long silly number like 1.299999999999991e to slow it down?
Use the Find - set for Visible and Invisible

search for .GlobalPreferences.plist

You'll be able to open the file in the Find window.

You can just change it to 1.2 - 1.8 or whatever, don't need all those numbers.