Small 10.4 Server - eMac, Mac mini, or PowerMac G4?

mkuron said:
The main candiated would be:
  • PowerMac G4 (dual) + SATA
  • Xserve G4
Haven't decided for one yet.


if you already have OS X Server then this doesn't matter, but the Xserve comes with the SERVER OS, unlike the G4 so that is another cost you may have to factor in to. just wanted to make sure that is known.

the other thing too is that the Xserves are considerably louder then the PM G4s are so if it is going to be out on a desk or something that could be something else to consider.
Jeffo said:
if you already have OS X Server then this doesn't matter, but the Xserve comes with the SERVER OS, unlike the G4 so that is another cost you may have to factor in to. just wanted to make sure that is known.
You're right, that makes up the price difference between them.
But most of the Xserve G4s on eBay come with Panther/Jaguar Server, but I need Tiger Server (portable home folders).

Well, i've been at the exact same point as you are now, about 3 months ago. My choice was (is) the PowerMac G4 (in my case, a weak one : G4 400 Sawtooth). The main problem being the multi-host capacity (or, in other words, the capacity of having 2 or more network adapters). I ended up using the mini at home and the Sawtooth as the server and after 3 months i can tell you:
Yes, it can run an OS X Server (even tiger) well and keep up with the pace of 24/7 (my case), but if you become a little frustrated with the performance of the machine (and this will ONLY happen if you are using it as a server AND as a station) you can always use one of that upgrades for Sawtooth/Gigabit/Quicksilver machines (i.e.: PowerLogix's Dual G4 2.0 Mhz or something cheaper if you'd like).
The PCI slots and the available IDE positions will grant you the possibility to upgrade in almos every aspect you might need (extra disk space, backup devices, Optic Fiber, Gigabit, ...)
And it's cheap and easy to maintanance (you will not have any trouble to open it as you would with the other options).

It's an opinion made by experience: Go for the powerMac G4.
Captain Code said:
I wouldn't worry about it. The drives do last a long time typically. Since you are probably going with a Powermac tower you could consider a RAID card which will give you redundancy in case a drive does fail. Also consider that you will want to have a backup plan in place for any important data if there is any.

My advice, use any G5 you can use unless the traffic load is high.

Good luck, Kees
Captain Code said:
I wouldn't worry about it. The drives do last a long time typically. Since you are probably going with a Powermac tower you could consider a RAID card which will give you redundancy in case a drive does fail. Also consider that you will want to have a backup plan in place for any important data if there is any.

A drive from any machine may die in some months even from my xserve g5 after some months.

The xserve is including UNLIMITED server and mountable in 19" rack (not an advantace if you do not have one), but the biggest disadvantage is the highly OVERPRICED drive expansions (does any know a place where the expty brackets can be ordered ?).

A mac mini will do for a lighly used file-server, is capable of running 24/7 (i use one now as mailserver until my xserve g5 is repaired), but 2.5" (laptop) drives are expansive and not available as very large drives. Firewire drives are also quite expansive.

The best choice is any G5, which allows you to add a second (preferably sata) drive. Sata will be supported for quite some time and will keep coming in still larger capacities.

Good luck, Kees
If super performance isn't expected out of the server you can always go with a Sawtooth and get a moderate processor from Other World Computing, A Sawtooth on eBay can br gotten for about 200 bucks and the processor upgrade can be had for about 200. This is providing you have the existing drives to put in it. So for less than 500 you can have a capable server.