small print output using Mail


i have never tried to print using Mail, but while at a client's yesterday, he showed me how his Mail app prints things at about half the size of normal. i checked all of the basics, like Page Setup & print dialogs, but cannot see any cause for this. i just printed something out of myMail app to see if there were nay problems, and everything printed fine.

any ideas as to what to check?



I have had the exact same problem as well! I have no idea why it happens... I'm investigating various solutions as well.

If I come across anything, I'll post it here.
EDIT: I found out the problem:

If the e-mail you want to print has the window opened wide (ie: it encompasses almost your entire screen) Mail will attempt to print your e-mail with the extra space -- hence the reduced font size -- regardless if the message is even one word!

To get around this, simply make your e-mail's window as small as possible (doesn't matter if you can see everything) and then print... the e-mail will be at the right size.

I tried it and it worked.

Why Apple implemented this behavior is beyond me.

THANKS a bunch! :cool: i'll pass this on... i'm sure my client will be appreciative.

BTW - this client of mine happens to be Doug Llewelyn from the old show, "People's Court"! he happens to live in the area and hsa needed Mac help from time to time. i've also been helping him learn ProTools in order to record some quick voiceovers at home and on the road for the new silly show he is on, "Style Court".

i totally appreciate your quick help! peace... :cool:

Ha ha ha. Doug Llewwlyn! OMG. That is too much. How time passes!

Man, if ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE needs Mac help, especially Doug, and I can help... I'm there!

Forget Judge Judy and Bird... Wopner and Rusty baliff are the schiznit! Okay, so I've sunk a whole new low in 80's North Americana. :D

Seriously, glad I could help, even in a small way.

P.S. Bacardi Limon should be outlawed. Too sweet, 8D
