Small Problem


I currently use a Beige G3 Power Mac (Rev A) 233mhz 320Mb Memory. I am running a dual boot system of OS X 10.28 and OS 9.1

OS X works fine if a little slow at times...:)

However the problem is Classic side

I used to have a Power Mac 8100AV with OS 8.5 and I used WordPerfect 3.0 to write many files.

WP 3.0 works (sort of) on the G3 under OS 9.1 but when you move the cursor down the document via mouse it highlights all the text then locks up. Move it via keys it works but then locks if you try and move back up the document.

I have several files I would like to recover but can't get it to save without locking up.

Anyone have any ideas?

Is there any WP 3.0 fixes for G3. I could run it under Basilisk II but being a G3 it would be very slow and not worth doing.