Smart and Friendly driver needed


I have a PowerMac G4 running OS X 10.3.9. Made a mistake with a fresh reinstall of the OS, and thus lost the driver to the installed/internal CD-RW drive.

It is a Smart and Friendly CD*Speedwriter 3P, model CD-RW4432A

Smart and Friendly apparently went belly-up eons ago, so ...

Does anyone have:

a) A driver that will work with this drive and OS?

b) Any idea what the write-speeds are for this CD-RW drive?

Please feel free to e-mail me directly if you can help. Thanks!
Well if you bought it from ebay it should of had 10.4.6 on it with all updates.
if you reinstalled the OS, it should of loaded all firmware for the (model CD-RW4432A). try moving the harddrive or CD ROM around from diffrent ribbon cables. Remember the cd has to be a slave if theres a hd on the same ribbon. Take Care Buddy