So is it 100% sure that 7B85...

Nobody knows right now. A ton of people are saying it is, but then again a ton of people are saying it's not. :D
Thanks guys for replying so fast... I was just wondering cuz people have a debate wether is 7B85 or not.
Thanks again!!!
Originally posted by theCaptain
it better be... Just upgraded my machines

I've considered that, but I'm not willing to take the chance. For now just my Dual 1Ghz G4 has it, and on a secondary drive for that matter.
Anyone know how many discs come with the Family Pack? 5 sets of discs or just a single set with 5 licenses. I was thinking about splitting it with my family, but I want to keep a set of discs.
If Apple did the "cease-and-desist" thing on them, then it's surely legitimate.

Cute kitties! :)