one thinks they have a good printer for OS X?

I am using an Epson Stylus with OS X but I liked it better in OS 9. Every time you would print, it would show the ink level. Now that I have OS X, the time to replace ink is always a mystery.
My hp deskjet blows ... its not listed as being supported ... but it does say deskjet series and it will show up in the select printer window (after several reinstalls of the driver) and i finally got it to work ... now its not working again :( poop
doofy10: The carbonized EPSON StatusMonitor is hiding from you. You can find it at /Library/Printers/EPSON/Utilities/Epson Printer Utility.
Probably one of the best hidden secrets of OS X :)

As for printers, my Epson 740i works well, except for the really nasty grating sound it makes when I print :(