Software Routing Problem

Peter Pan

I'm using Brickhouse on my iMac to do Software Routing to my iBook via Airport.
But since some time, I cannot connect to certain websites from the iBook without using my ISPs proxy. For example or Apple's iTools just show a blank page forever, IE status: "Sending Request".
I thought that I maybe messed up the firewall on the iMac, since I do not experience the problem in my university's WLAN or through the Barricade Wireless Router at my parent's house.

Hence I tried the following:

1. Try:
Removed all firewall & router related items and installed gNAT to set up the routing.
Result: Same problems as before!

2. Try:
Removed all router related items again, ran the 10.1 disk over the current installation to restore everything back to "normal", installed all the updates since 10.1
Used an instruction from the web to setup the routing myself.

So? Maybe it actually is the 10.1 update that is causing those problems, but since the routing is done in the UNIX-Level, why can't it be resolved by setting up the natd correctly?

Anyone help?
Sorry dude, I did it manually (I'm a Unix geek ;-) so I don't have any experience with BrickHouse etc.

Re-installing 10.1 won't help. There isn't a file that has the default firewall setings, BrickHouse must create one. Reinstalling won't delete that file (probably in /Library/StartupItems/ ?).

Your problem has me puzzled. "Sending request..." comes after "Connecting" so the iBook is successfully connecting to the site, but for some reason isn't getting any content back from it.

My setup: 7600 in our attic running 10.0 acting as a router to share our PPP connection. I did have 10.1 on it and it worked but I took it back to 10.0 because 10.1 uses way more memory. Our 7600 only has 48 MB of RAM (128MB min my arse).

So it's not 10.1

Maybe if you post the scripts you're using to do it manually I may be able to help more?? It sounds suspiciously like a rouge firewall setting is allowing connections but then dropping them.

I have been trying to setup my desktop G4 as a software router to no success as well. I have been trying to do this to enable internet connection sharing between my desktop G4 and a laptop with an 802.11b wireless card. I want my wireless airport card in my desktop G4 to act as a base station like is possible in OS 9. I am dialing up my ISP and using PPP, so this is the connection that I want to share. In the future though, I would like the flexibility to change from using the PPP sharing to perhaps sharing a connection from my ethernet card.

I have tried doing this with BrickHouse to no success. I only suceeded in screwing up all network communications to my G4 until I cleared a rules and restarted my G4. I couldn't even ping until I cleared the rules and restarted, and I did have to restart, just clearing the rules did not work. Ping gave me a file not found error. Totally crazy...

Then I also tried the Unix geek method of enabling ipforwarding in the hostconfig file and using the common NATd script for enabling connection sharing. This did not work either, when running the script from the terminal I got some errors stating that a divert socket could not be created. So I don't know what's wrong and what I need to do. I would like it if someone could write up a solid tutorial for doing this. I would prefer the terminal command line method with the NATd script if someone can get it working. I also have 10.1.2, so I am wondering if this could be the problem. Setting up Airport in OS X has been a real puzzler as well. So if someone could layout some instructions on exactly how I should setup Airport in the Network preference panel; let me know what I should configure or do in Internet Connect; and then layout what NATd things to configure, it would really be of assistance.

Below are the scripts and error messages I received.



/usr/sbin/natd -dynamic -interface ppp0
/sbin/ipfw -f flush
/sbin/ipfw add divert natd all from any to any via ppp0
/sbin/ipfw add pass all from any to any



/usr/sbin/natd: Unable to create divert socket.: Operation not permitted
/sbin/ipfw: socket: Operation not permitted
/sbin/ipfw: socket: Operation not permitted
/sbin/ipfw: socket: Operation not permitted

Hey Monty,

What files have to be edited for the unix hack to get my iMac (connected to a cable modem) to share the IP connection with my TiBook via Airport?

Can you post your files/scripts?



PS can Brickhouse do it? mine doesn't seem to want to...