software to make .sea


is there a free software to make a self extract archive?

I need to split an installation file into more files and then make it .sea

I tried with ZipIt but it seems working just if you have it installed.
Oh, thank you, I didn't know it.

ANyway, I need something to split an installation file into more files, but the final user will not have this software I use to split.

I'm back to Stuffit and OS9. Once you make an SEA, Stuffit can
split it up for you into whatever size segments are convenient. If
the final user has OS9/Classic, double-clicking on the first segment
will automagically join all segments together and un-stuff the result.

That's Stuffit Standard or Deluxe. Not the freebies that accompany
the Mac OS. You need to buy a copy. The final user doesn't.
It's worth pointing out that if you're familiar with the command line (os x) you can just use a zip file and split it.

Use the "make archive" command in the finder followed by:
split -b xm
where x is the size in megabytes you want each chunk to be.
Then on the other end they can use:
cat file.1 file.2 file.3 >
and the zip should be fine.