software update problem

paul soffe

:( I have been trying to update my osx but because the initial update got interupted when i was downloading the files , every time i re down load the file it refuses to update the present osx.Ihave tried going to mac site to use the alternative download but still doesn't work.Any suggestions please ? Thank you Paul
First off, let me welcome you to the forum.

Try searching for this. I think it has come up before. Probably something to do with deleting some .plist files out of the library file...
Yup, ElDiablo knows how you can "uninstall" the messed update and then reinstall the update from SU. Try search and look for ElDiablo... posts.
Thanks for welcome and kind advice.I am new to forums and stuff and have tried for about one hour to find an answer as you suggested. I have checked out all posts of eldiablo but cannot see an answer.Will keep searchingThanks again

What message do you get when you try reinstalling?

Look in your Receipts folder here;


Look to see if there is a Receipt pkg for that update. If it's there, drag to the trash and try updating again.
Hi Bob,I just checked out library and there seems to be no receipt for the download.I am updating again at moment and will let you know message when it gets throughThanks Paul
it says .. the installation has encountered a problem.None of the checked updates were successfully installed.Now i did have what apperared to be a major problem with the os recently with mac not booting up and decided to reinstall osx 10.2 Since then i have not been able to update.I don't know if this has anything to do with itThanks Paul
is this easy to do ? Sorry i have a mac and ....yes a pc.When the mac (g4 )started giving problems i went back to the pc for most of my work. I am therfore a bit lost on the mac.I just tried searching for repairing permissions , tried terminal typing in "sudo diskutil repairPermissions /" but it stops there. Any suggestions pleaseThank you
you should open your Disk Utility (under applications/utilities), mark your disc/partition and press on repair permissions. Ahhhh, are you on panther? Otherwise you will need to boot from your installer disc..
However, I don't think you got probs with the permissions. Waiting for ElDiablo to check for this thread. He will tell you the command line you will need to enter in the single user mode. ELDIABLO!!!!! ;)
Great ,Will try all this on the morrow. It's 5pm here so need to get chips for kids ( the mcdonald type !) Thank you i really appreciate your help Paul ps i am on 10.2 jaguar
Hi ,i opened utilities and repaired permissions as suggested. I then restarted and tried to use update . Again it downloaded the file - 100mb - and then gave the usual error message ..the installation has encountered a problem ... Maybe there is a bigger problem somewhere.I don't have norton or anything for defraging.Could the disc be in need of that and could it cause the mess? Thanks Paul
Exactly what file are you trying to download and install?
What G4 do you have?
How much free hard drive space do you have?
You don't need to ever defrag your OS X drive. Leave it be and it'll treat you well. Get into optimizing, and you're just wasting time. Fragmentation, unless it's caused by some problem with your system, won't cause you any problems -- in fact, it's perfectly normal for a UNIX-based system, and Mac OS X will take care of most of the optimizing/defragmenting for you automatically.

And, please answer bobw's questions -- it would be very helpful to know what software it is exactly... system update, 3rd party program, etc.
Hi I am trying to download the following update The 10.2.8 Update (Build 6R73) (100mb) the mac is power mac g4 version 2.1 867 mhz bus speed 133mhz 640 ram 7gb free space on 'mac' disc ( main disc) and 31 gb left on ' space' a second disc hardly used. Thanks Paul
Just a quick add on note. Thanks for defrag advice. I have searched for help on that subject for Mac and do appreciate such solid and straight forward advice. Secondly sorry for gaps between replying. I am juggling my office work here with picking up my kids and dealing with both our cars that have both broken down on us! I hope i can have more joy on this Mac eventually. I purchased this about 2 1/2 years ago with protools.I stopped using protools as a fault in its software damaged my left ear.There was a fault in its software that gave a terrible electronic screeching down my headphones as i was doing some close editing on its auto mixer window. Highlighting the waveform and using the auto mixer setting brought about the nightmare. When i contacted digidesign they said it might be my preferences .That didn't convince me. I emailed and complained but they just ignored. Very nice of them. So i give you that background to explain why i have gone back to the PC and use the mac only for the mail programme. I have always felt the Mac somehow has never really been optimised and it can crash , run incredibly slow etc. Though I have to say the Mac is more stable ( and beautiful) , even with all these problems than the PC. Thanks Paul