Software Update question


I have most of my apps that I don't use on a daily basis in my application folder tucked away in folders, which are then put in the dock. Or I access them via RocketLauncher.
I like have stuff organized, ie, multimedia, design, organizer, etc, for my folders.
But in doing so, my Software Update doesn't always read the corresponding app (iPhoto 4's recent update is the latest).
Is there a way to have it find the apps even if they are in a sub-folder in the applications folder? Thanks.
Alias doesn't really help in this case. I could use alias but I prefer to keep the desktop clean and open apps via the dock or rocket launcher. I could keep everything in the applications file but I like being able to access what I want at the time. For example, my design folder has my Adobe Creative Suite, Quark, Keypoint and FontBook. I access (mostly) InDesign and PhotoShop via RocketLauncher.
I guess I was wondering if there was a way to edit the paths where Software Update locates the applications so I can further specify where the apps are and not just in applications.
No, but you could leave the Applications folder alone and create a 'Graphics' folder in Applications and put aliases of the apps there. Also, if you use Dock folders or another launcher, you don't have to organise the Applications folder. Also: This is only about Apple's applications, which are updated through SU. Might want to organise the other ones and leave Apple's apps alone... I live with that - and it works just fine...