Software Update redirect?


I have a dialup connection (hopefully for not much longer) and was wondering if I could redirect Software Update to another machine to get its information. Since 10.2.4 is 40Mb, I already got it onto one of my computers, was wondering if I can either:

1) Point Software Update on another computer to point to the computer which has the update and load it that way -or-

2) Copy the update from one computer to another (either by script or manually) so Software Update can install it.

Or is it just easier to copy it from my computer and install it manually (Will Software Update realize that the update has been applied?)

Zeff Wheelock
Software Update doesn't install it, it just finds software updates and downloads them, when you restart, it installs itself. Your best solution is to download the update from the website, then copy it to a cd/zip/ipod, whatever, then open it on the target computer, and install it.
Originally posted by bobw
You can download 10.2.4 here from any machine.

Already gotten it down via Software Update on one machine, just trying to not download the update for 3-4 hours on another machine. If I could have one of my machines be the software center and my other machines gets its information from that machine, would be better. I could possibly do a script which attaches to my computer, searches for any updated software and copies it down to that computer for it to be installed.

Zeff Wheelock
Originally posted by RPS
Software Update doesn't install it, it just finds software updates and downloads them, when you restart, it installs itself. Your best solution is to download the update from the website, then copy it to a cd/zip/ipod, whatever, then open it on the target computer, and install it.

I thought it did install and optimize the installation after it downloaded it. I thought I remember that it goes through an installation phase before the reboot. I am not sure if it replaces the files when it is installing or not and the reboot makes the software active. Thoughts?

Zeff Wheelock
In the Software Update, under the Update Menu, there's an option to download the Updates to your Desktop rather than install them. Then, if your machines are networked, you could just drag the file to each machine.
What you're looking for is on the website, but you need to be a subscriber to read the message once it's more than a week or two old. If I remember correctly though it was from 1/27/03, and it said something like putting all the updates on the desktop of the user and running software update, and if it finds the update on the desktop it will run it if necessary.