Software Update..Where are the downloads kept?


After Software Update has downloaded an update, where is the download kept?

I just downloaded the OSX 10.2.2 Update and I want to burn it to CD but can't find it anywhere :confused:

Please help,
Thanks :)
Updates are kept in /Library/Receipts folder, but if u want to download an update in order to keep it on your hd or use it on another mac, u can use the feature Download checked items to desktop in Update menu.
I thought so at first too.

However, when I browsed the package contents in the terminal and opened .app files, they worked.

In that case, what is a receipt? I thought it was a way for Software Update to determine which updates you hvae, but EVERY package I've ever installed (.pkg) is there.
Yes, it's like a folder for temporary files.
All packages u install are there, and there are all updates too, even if not complete, but only what was installed by the system.

Anyway, if u want to keep all the updates, u have to do in the way i wrote.