Solarwinds Screensaver - WOW!


Versiontracker has a new screen saver called Solarwinds listed on their website here:

This is one of the best screen savers I've ever seen. It has quite the light show. Really good eye candy.

These settings are nice:

Winds: 1
Particles per wind: 2000
Emitters per wind: 30
Type of geometry: Lines
Particle size: 1
Emitter speed: 15
Particle speed: 10
Wind speed: 20
Motion blur: 100

When I click "download'', the loading bar stops at 3/4. Very annoying, so I haven't had the chance to see it.
Meh. I still MUCH prefer Flurry.saver. I'm too lazy to post the link, but it's on VersionTracker, I'm sure.
Sweet.. I like Flurry more though cause it has a Random option. If this one did, it'd be tied for customizability. Niiice...

It's amazing how many really cool looking screensavers people have made on OS X. I haven't seen ONE good looking Windows saver. Show me Windows screensavers that look as cool as OS X's and I'll show you a shocked man.
Originally posted by Jasoco
Sweet.. I like Flurry more though cause it has a Random option. If this one did, it'd be tied for customizability. Niiice...

It's amazing how many really cool looking screensavers people have made on OS X. I haven't seen ONE good looking Windows saver. Show me Windows screensavers that look as cool as OS X's and I'll show you a shocked man.

Actually if you read the info on Versiontracker at all about this screensaver or flurry, you will find that they were all ported from Windows, so actually they had them way before we did. The guy who ported this one also ported many other really cool looking screensavers from Windows...So do I get to see you shocked now? :p
Hey you guys, try this on SolarWinds (set everything the way you see on the Setting screen, top to bottom)


It looks pretty cool!