Sold an Authorized computer.


So like an idiot I sold a machine that was authorized for iTunes.

I'm not worried about the machine I sold, it was reinitialized and only OS 9 installed. However it's ID or whatever Apple keeps on file must still be there, I've gone through my machines and can only authorize two at one time of the six that I currently own.

This seems like a real problem Apple should address in a user page or something. Somewhere you can log in and deauthorize machines yourself. I had to use their stupid support request email thingy. Nowhere you can go on Apple's site and deauthorize machines yourself, that basically sucks!
Maybe not publicizing it is not a good idea. Talk to the person you sold it too nor change your user name and password.
There's nothing on the machine that can identify anything about me. I initialized the full HD in it right before I sold it and only installed 9

Even if the person I sold it to reads these very forums and manages to guess at things, it's unlikely that they could guess both a username and password .
Go to iTunes, click on help, email them what happened. They'll deauthorize all your computers and you'll have to reauthorize the ones you want.
That was fast, I was expecting a long wait. Cool!

Thank you for contacting the iTunes Music Store.
We have manually deauthorized your registered systems from the Music Store. You can now reauthorize the computers that you intend to use. To protect our customers' privacy this is not a service that is generally performed. However, given the nature of your situation we have made an exception. If you're selling a computer or plan to no longer use it, make sure you've deauthorized it before you no longer have access to it.
