Solved status?


iMovie Professional
Heres an idea: What if users were allowed to change the title of their post, or change the "status" of it, making it a "solved" question? Solved questions could be moved to a special forum, creating a large database of tried and true methods for fixing things, that could be searched before posting. This would remove threads that no longer need attention from the main pages, and give other threads more attention.

Another thing that I notice is that relatively easy questions get answered immediately, but harder questions get no responses, and quickly move out of the first few pages. - I don't know how you could fix this.. but it seems like a problem..

These are just ideas, I'm sure that you guys have enough on your hands already, just something to think about. You guys are really doing a great job at providing support to mac users.. keep up the good work!
There's already a "HOWTO & FAQ" forum, eric2006, for a similar purpose. But for everything else: Consider the forum _already_ a vast database. There's a search option which users should use before creating a new thread, so even if they only find an older _question_ that relates to their problem, they should still post their question in that old thread. If the problem is _solved_ then, it's also solved for the creator of the original thread.

About threads with more difficult answers vanishing from the front-page of a specific forum: Yes, that happens. But since many of our users actually _look_ at the threads and _try_ to come up with answers, chances are that a solution is found. I've hardly ever seen a thread simply vanish because of a lack of interest...